History: Vintage Postcards
- Title: Apostolic Palace
- Location: Vatican City
- Caption: Città del Vaticano – Piazza San Pietro e Palazzi Apostolici
- Date: 1938
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Child with roses
- Location:
- Caption:
- Date: circa 1935
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Garibaldi monument
- Location: La Spezia
- Caption: La Spezia – Monumento a Giuseppe Garibaldi
- Date: 1942
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Girl with bird
- Location: Naples
- Caption: Studio costume, Napoli
- Date: circa 1895
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Greetings from Mortara
- Location: Mortara
- Caption: Saluti a grande velocità da Mortara
- Date: circa 1943
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Italo-Turkish War
- Location:
- Caption:
- Date: 1912
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Medieval village
- Location: Torino
- Caption: Torino – Borgo Medioevale (Valentino)
- Date: 1947
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Meeting of rivers
- Location: Perarolo
- Caption: Perarolo (m. 532) ove il Piave e il Boite si uniscono (visti dalla Cavallera)
- Date: 1941
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number: 73
- Title: Merry Christmas
- Location:
- Caption: Buon Natale
- Date: 1931
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Monument to Mussolini
- Location: Rome
- Caption: Roma – Foro Mussolini – Il Monolite.
- Date: 1937
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Old fisherman
- Location: Naples
- Caption: Tipi Napoletani – Vecchio pescatore
- Date: 1920
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Old Verona
- Location: Verona
- Caption: Verona – Panorama
- Date: circa 1890
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number: 2818
- Title: OTAV car
- Location: Milan
- Caption: Milano – Ex-Dazio di Porta Venezia, Vetturette O.T.A.V.
- Date: 1905
- Publisher: G. Modiano e Co.
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Performers
- Location: Naples
- Caption:
- Date: circa 1902
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Prato cathedral
- Location: Prato
- Caption: Prato – La Cattedrale
- Date: 1948
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Sailing
- Location: Lavagna
- Caption: Lavagna – Vele.
- Date: 1946
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Sanctuary of San Girolamo
- Location: Somasca
- Caption: Santuario Di S. Girolamo – Somasca
- Date: 1948
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Sanctuary of the Virgin
- Location:
- Caption: Saluti dal Santuario della Vergine della Creta e della Grazia Castellazzo Bormida
- Date: 1940
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Singer Lina Cavalieri
- Location:
- Caption: Cavalieri
- Date: circa 1910
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number: S-379
- Title: Somma Lombardo greetings
- Location: Somma Lombardo
- Caption: Un saluto da Somma Lombardo
- Date: 1949
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Street children
- Location: Naples
- Caption:
- Date: 1913
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
- Title: Temple of San Francisco
- Location: Bologna
- Caption: Bologna – Tempio Di S. Francesco
- Date: 1941
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number: 305
- Title: Town center
- Location: Chiavari
- Caption: Chiavari – Viale Nicola Arata
- Date: 1949
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number: 27
- Title: Train station
- Location: Vigevano
- Caption: Vigevano – Stazione F. F. S. S.
- Date: circa 1945
- Publisher:
- Publisher Number:
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